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vendel madness
Hi Randall,
The Vendel madness in York was for our own personal pleasure, the battle, (which we did not take part in), was the usual Viking clash. We were there purely to pose around showing off our new shiny things that many had been working on or had commissioned over the winter, so this was the 1st outing for many of these new bits, some of which have already been seen on myArmoury. Slightly anachronistic for us being at a 'Viking' festival, but we just wanted to let the Vikings see what their great great grandfathers might have looked like. It was the biggest display of Vendel and related arms and armour I think I've ever seen in one place at the same time. Not to mention the Anglian and Merovingian stuff too.

Matt, like me, your pic quite clearly demonstrates,that one cannot tell where beard ends and Wolf begins, true Wulfheodenas.!!

Massive support from my part, for your part in the festival.

Just got my hands on Paul's book. First impression: I thought the format was difficult and unpractical, but after some thought I can see a few layout-related arguments that speak in support of it. Still, it is hard to handle.
It's comprehensive, and it holistically covers the iron age warrior aristocracy. Lots of great illustrations and pictures. Not sure if I agree with all the arguments presented in the book, and there are a couple language errors that should have been picked out. Two random examples:
In the book Snartemo is spelt Snartemų - this might seem minor, but Yurk is not York. He also confuses the terms seišr, i.e. "sorcery of a gender specific nature", with sišr "custom, tradition". This is Major.

I haven't spent more than thirty minutes browsing the book, but it is problematic that these errors arise at that level.
Either way my impression is positive, and I am sure it will prove a good learning experience (I am positive that I will have great joy looking through it in the future). I only wish more attention had been payed to the language, this pulls it down quite a bit in my opinion as this should be an integral part in what I assume to be the vision of the mead hall culture.
I don't wish to be too negative though: The book seems quite useful, and Paul's skills as a teacher comes through clearly.
vendel madness
Hi Just to pick up on your points,
But perhaps to put things into perspective; It worthwhile remembering that both the newspapers we read and the TV we watch are usually abundant with linguistic, grammatical and typographic errors of varying degrees.
I know Paul doesn't need me to jump to his defence, and I hope this is not patronising to either him or yourself.
But this is Pauls 1st book, and yes, Even I have spotted one or two typo's, not least of which he spelt my name wrong!

But I can roll with this,

I still maintain that Paul has gone some way to achieve a great piece of work, I'm sure Paul would be the 1st to admit that it is by no means perfect, but then,what explorative historical book is?

The publishers of this book also are not one of the international multi million £/$ mainstream publishers. Nevertheless they do a good job of producing quality, informative publications that satisfy a range of needs within the historical genre.

The bulk of the book remains accurate, up to date, well researched informative and thought provoking, despite a few teething problems. So I for one am prepared to cut Paul some slack.


Bruce, I apologize if my words were a bit harsh and negative. At any rate, the merits surpass the flaws by lightyears. I borrowed a copy of the book from a friend, but the more I read, the more secure I get that I should purchase a copy of my own. I have really been waiting for a book like this for years, and as you say; it is still a great piece of work.
vendel madness
Hi there,
No apology necessary, I just wanted to perhaps balance your observations a little. But yes your overall take on the book was a positive one. Obviously we are all entitled to be critical, in fact it is important.
Maybe I'm the one not being wholly objective, being slightly biased that I had a hand in this work in some small part, or more accurately a face
I think the exciting thing for me and others members of our group is that this is the book we have all being waiting for for a long time. Whilst many other publications have delved into this period, some are either too brief or lacking in scope. Which don't allow the reader to incorporate the subject matter into the wider period context. As you know, not all readers are from an academic background, including myself, so a book which puts things into a wider perspective is in my opinion a better product.. Plus, I think a good history book should be like anything else, a perfect mix of textual and pictorial content. I'd love to hear anyone deny (novice and academic alike) that they don't like to look at sexy pics of shiny things from the period of interest. Paul Mortimer is like the Hugh Heffner of the Historical book world!!!
They say, we each have a book in us, I only hope mine, is half as good as Pauls.
Anyway, everybody's cool again,

all the best,

Re: vendel madness
Bruce Tordoff wrote:
Paul Mortimer is like the Hugh Heffner of the Historical book world!!!

Quite old and a bit pervy?
You won't get any arguments out of me, brother Bruce.
vendel madness
Hello forumites, Here is a1st look sneak peak of one the latest bits of kit in Wulfheodenas, by my friend Paul Holwell, He will be posting a more detailed appraisal on makers and manufacturers soon . But here its is, a generic Vendel period, AS sword, with Yew grips and sandwich fillings in the crossguards. The scabbard was made by me, using a Press Blech design from the Staffs Hoard also made by Paul, This is his 1st ever attempt at doing Press Blech, and his 1st ever late Migration sword. B***ard!!!! But its owner is really happy with the result and he took the photo's of it. I worked with Paul in an advisory role on this piece, I think he just keeps getting better. Oh, and some of you may remember Dave Huggins mentioning a conjectural Staffs Hoard helm, well round at Paul's, I've seen the Work in Progress, and without giving anything away, It is going to look awesome. In my own personal opinion, it is one of the most pleasing versions of a Coppergate/Wollaston type helm.
All the best,

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Vendel-Style Sword 9 a.jpg

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Vendel-Style Sword d.jpg

You guy's kits and gear is just too cool. The fact that most of it is made by the group makes it even more incredible. I am jelly.
Extremely impressive as always.
Looks good! :)

How about some pics of the blade?

My Vendel kit so far. New warrior coat and sword in the pipeline.
Looks good Aed. When do you get your coat and sword?

Cheers Paul.
Got the material for the new coat. My mum's volunteered to make and embroider it for me. Whilst the clean linen tunic is ok, we're looking for a slightly more high-end image, and also it tends to dazzle the camera and wreck group photos, so something a bit darker will be nice.

Skofnung should be completed by May. We've had the blade since Christmas; a nice two-twist from Paul Binns that we managed to get a bargain on because he considered it shorter than it should be. So am I, so it should work out nicely.
We're waiting on some commissioned bits from George Easton for it, after which I'll make the hilt and sheath over the Easter break. Hopefully it's going to illustrate the similarities between the style and imagery of the Staffs Hoard and certain finds from the Vendel culture, also enabling me to wear either hat. I'm planning on using organic materials for almost all of the scabbard furniture to contrast with my dad's. I'll post the pics when it's done, along with pics of his new sax.

I don't know where I'd be without generous and talented parents though.
i signed up to the wulfheadonas facebook recently..

I AM IN AWE!!.. every single piece you guys showcase is a work of art.....
infact this wholem thread is a work of art.
Vendel Madness
Hi William

Kind words and I'm sure the guys and ladies will appreciate them very much. We are looking foward to showcasing more comisioned items as they are completed through the new year so do please keep looking both here on this excellent forum and the FB site.

be well
Bruce, that sword and scabbard look fantastic. Paul has been making some amazing stuff lately and your scabbard is a perfect match for it. Really looking forward to some more detailed pictures :D
William P wrote:
i signed up to the wulfheadonas facebook recently..

I AM IN AWE!!.. every single piece you guys showcase is a work of art.....
infact this wholem thread is a work of art.

I agree competely! I am continually blown away at the sheer aweseomeness that keeps showing up on my facebook feed from you guys. ^u^

I thought I might show a 'teaser' image from the fourthcoming conjectural Anglian boar crested helm we have spoken of in this thread. The completed helm should be ready in the next two weeks.


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[ Download ]
vendel madness
Matt, thanks for the kind words, I know Paul will also echo this sentiment.

The same owner has just commissioned me to make him a scabbard for his new Finglesham ringsword. By Tim Noyes, which arrived the same week as the one Paul made! Some people get paid too much!

Anyway onto other matters, Yes the boar looks very tasty, its amazing what you can do with a bog brush and a lump of scrap steel!
But seriously, I've had the enviable joy of seeing this conjectural helm take form over the last month or so, (Sorry Dave!)
and trust me folks, you are in for treat, I don't mind saying.

Its like the Coppergate and the Wollaston, but also like neither!

I have to admire Dave's, particular choice of components to make this hybrid work. No piece was arrived at haphazardly. Much thought and attention to detail combined with logic and common sense, have culminated in a product , which coupled with Paul's (sickeningly) increasing skill set has finally being manifest in the world of the real. T minus 1 week (ish)
Come on Paul, pull yer finger out mate!
Cant wait to see the new helmet. That boar is fantastic.
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