Julien M wrote:
A rather old topic. Any progress on this magnificent sword Kirk?

Vladimir Cervenka did the pommel, who made the blade and cross by the way?

This is potentially one of the most beautiful Castillon sword I've seen (I don't think I've seen any examples with elaborate pommel engravings but who cares really).

Really looking forward to see this finished!


Hi Julien...

Cervenka made all the parts.

It is interesting you would compare it to the Castillon swords... I can see what you mean... However the inspiration came from an MRL Arbedo sword I modified when I first started messing with swords. The Arbedo sword was a replica of a sword in the Metropolitan Museum in New York, I think.

A few months ago I began putting it together. The grip is poplar with a binding of coarse linen from the shirt tail of one of my work shirts. I painted the linen with gold gilt and then a thin layer of some gold and copper colored glittery fingernail polish my daughter had. I have plans to cover this gold ground with blue calligraphy like a medieval manuscript.


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