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But the stipulation is that you may only choose ONE weapon, no backup. Would you still take 2-hand halberd or pollaxe? That is to say, what would you fear more, an opponent having a weapon of greater reach or an opponent with a smaller weapon coming into your guard when you do not have a smaller backup.
And what would my own armour class be? If I would be fighting in a steel harness I would definately go for the halberd or poleaxe, since the armour would work as an effective weapon in and off itself in a close situation.
Do I just have to pick one? They're all my favorite. ;)
I'm just missing various shields from the selection. Some spiked shields wouldn't even need an additional weapon.
I'm also missing the Bar mace?... We have to have a bar mace. And a bill hook.

If I have to use only one weapon, then a two-handed one would be best for all enounters. Probably the halberd is the most versatile and the huge hammer is the most devastating against heavy armour. But the spear would probably do the trick in a pinch even against heavy plate. If it won't go through the plate you can always tangle his weapon, smash his head with the pole for distraction and trip up the legs with it and then spear him on the ground throwing all your weight on it. Or just sit on him and find the catch for the visor.

If I can choose a combination armament then:

(a) unarmored,
I'd go with the single handed sword and the Greatsword for the off hand for defense and bonus offense. Mostly because it's a style very few today know how to fight against effectively, especially those schooled in unarmoured fighting, and it'll psyche out the opponent. You get long hand-to-hand thrusting range combined with the defense of a tall shield, medium range with the single hand sword and at close range you can punch someone unarmoured effectively with the crossguard and pommel. A literal Killer combo at least if you can find a sturdy gauntlet for the off hand. If not, wrap it in heavy cloth against cuts and hope for the best.

(b) leather/linen,
That Boar spear won't be stopped by linen or leather and it can deliver a nasty enough secondary cut. That said, any weapon on the list will do nicely. Just make it your own, and stay sharp and fight dirty.

(c) mail
Single hand sword and pick. Sword to outfence and create an opening for the pick, then use pick to finish. Always keep the pick raised ready to strike for this to work. If you have no pick this would also work with the rondello or the mace.

(d) full knightly plate.
The Hammer, halberd or Greatsword. Either will do, but the hammer will be an instant kill and incapacitating even with a glancing blow. At least I haven't seen any historical armour capable of withstanding it. This is best used with a couple of sturdy squires tackling and holding the opponent down as it's probably slow and cumbersome. So cheat! ;)
If you can't do that, hold it just under the head and at the end of handle and go in sticky to punch with the head at close range for distraction, then extend and smash for end game.

Another way to defeat the full plate is to use the Mace and rondello. Tackle, find a good spot for the rondello and hammer it in with the mace. But this tactic could end badly if the opponend has longer reach weapons and see you coming, especially if you're not wearing armour yourself.

A side note here.
Just the rondello and hidden hand full of dirt or better yet sand, peppers or salt used at the right momend can do nicely too.

Last edited by Johan Gemvik on Mon 28 Feb, 2011 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
John Warner wrote:
1-hand weapons allow you a shield of your choice. And armor is the same for both sides.

Sorry, didn't see that.
In that case, I'd choose a shiled & sword, mace or pick vs everything up to full plate. Then the huge hammer for that with a Rondello as backup.

John Warner wrote:
Is there no love for the zweihander??

I can love it just fine. Sure, sign me up for the Zweihander for plate battle. I guess it has about the same effect as the hammer if you turn it upside down and it has a nice pointy end. ;)

BTW. why is there only that small Viking throwing axe? Why not a Dane?

And still no Bar mace? ;)
Well, if I had to choose only one it would be the spear. The spear can more easily transition from a long range hand held weapon to a shorter range weapon (used staff fashion) than a halberd; a weapon I only have a vague idea how to use in any case.
John Warner wrote:
But the stipulation is that you may only choose ONE weapon, no backup. Would you still take 2-hand halberd or pollaxe? That is to say, what would you fear more, an opponent having a weapon of greater reach or an opponent with a smaller weapon coming into your guard when you do not have a smaller backup.

Just one then a Spear: One of my Michael Pikula Spears or my Michael Pikula Partizan.

No armour ? Then I just have to be faster a more skilled than the other guy(s), and lucky. ;) :lol:
Re: Choose your weapon
I'll pick weapon No. 7 - The Duke of Urbino sword.
A pollaxe or relatively short halberd is easily shortened to deal with an enemy closing with a knife. Better not to let them get in that range, though. If you have a shorter weapon you have no range options.
A Chinese spear.

When you only get one... Why not take "The King of Weapons", right? :cool:
Bennison N wrote:
A Chinese spear.

When you only get one... Why not take "The King of Weapons", right? :cool:

There's a multitude of chinese spears and spearlike weapon types. Which are you referring to?
Wait, I have a better idea.
Since we could choose a shield to go with 1-handed weapons I'll take this one:

[ Linked Image ]

And this axe, we could take axes yes?

[ Linked Image ]

For unarmoured fighting, this poll-axe seems suitable:

[ Linked Image ]
In my experience, spears have the advantage over swung polearms in a one on one faceoff. They simply move a lot faster, and can make lightning fast thrusts to the face that a head-first polarm will be to slow to block. (which is why a lot of polearm guards are cue forward...) They are also typically longer. Last but not least, they penetrate flesh like butter, and can deliver bleeding wounds through mail.

Of the hand weapons, sword and shield would be preferable in most circumstances. Swords are long, fast, and above all, flexible; You can thrust, strike, use the tip or the end of the blade, and so on.
The ability to defend and attack at the same time trumphs pretty much everything else. A pick/warhammer would be handy against plate, again combined with a shield.
The only reason not to have a shield is to carry a two handed spear or polearm. In this case a longsword would be a good backup choice though their long blades make them harder to draw in the heat of battle, and you would also want a dagger...
You can always slip the shield over your back with the spear or fight with the shield using the Guige to protect your body.
Johan Gemvik wrote:
Bennison N wrote:
A Chinese spear.

When you only get one... Why not take "The King of Weapons", right? :cool:

There's a multitude of chinese spears and spearlike weapon types. Which are you referring to?

I don't know... Possibly just a fairly standard Da Qiang, maybe an early Ming military pattern head and tassel. Pretty good for most armours, and with a bit of cut as well.
Well here are a few pics of my Partizan that I guess would be my " go too weapon of choice ".

The maker Michael Pikula holding the spear gives a good idea of scale.

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Seems like a very practical and deadly weapon.
I never thought of the cross as anything lethal before but with this one it could be used as a pick/ beek as well as for parrying, binding and stopping thrusts going too deep.
Johan Gemvik wrote:
Seems like a very practical and deadly weapon.
I never thought of the cross as anything lethal before but with this one it could be used as a pick/ beek as well as for parrying, binding and stopping thrusts going too deep.

As well the back side of the cross pieces are sharp and can cut on the way back if they go past a limb or neck in a hooking motion and the design is based on a very early Partizan in one of my reference books that is halfway between a later Renaissance Partizan and a lugged spear: Most Partizans don't have the notch/gap between the main blade and the wings and have a wide and long triangular blade with small corner hooks a bit wider than the blade. If one dispensed with the notches mine would look a lot more like those later types of Partizans, and they also usually don't have a sharp back edge like mine. ( The still war weapon types rather than the more ceremonial and very late versions that are typically pierced or etched and are very much more " decorative " than useful weapons ).

Well, sort of a digression from the main topic but just explaining one other functional reasons I like this weapon.

Oh, as well, I really liked the aesthetics of the original weapon my Partizan was based on. ;)
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